he idiosyncrasies of Linux. Where is my Babble-Fish when I need it?
They do exist.
he idiosyncrasies of Linux. Where is my Babble-Fish when I need it?
I just love Compiz with my Gnome workspace, but I’ve never been able to get VirtualBox to work well with Compiz. If I move to the virtual desktop that has VB running, I can then no longer use my assigned keys to switch to another application as, as soon as the virtualbox window gains focus, […]
o, I get on my PC this morning to transfer some Podcasts onto my Sansa Clip. gPodder wouldn’t start. How strange. So, this is my solution. Hopefully, if anyone else has a similar issue, they can find the answer here.
I’ve been trying to get my PC to start up by just pressing the Spacebar on my USB keyboard, for my work desktop.
Do you have an eGreat M34Aor an M31B? Here’s how to Cross-flash it to make it think it’s an A110 Popcorn Hour.